There are certain key benefits that Whatsapp has over Telegram. The messages will be involuntarily destructed once the timer hits. It is a type of end to end encrypted chat in which user can set self-delete timer. Telegram is accessible through windows phone, Mac os, windows pc, Android, ios, and can be accessed through any type of browser. Users can prefer to compress the media file or send the uncompressed version. Thereby the user can download any file, at any time, and from anywhere. Users can view the active sessions and track on which devices he/she is logged in at the moment.

User can log in and log out multiple times from several devices simultaneously without the fear of losing their data. That means all the text messages, media files & documents of the users will be saved on cloud. This feature ensures the privacy of the user’s contact number. Users are able to communicate with other users on telegram even if they don't have the contact number of others. Users don’t need a SIM card to log in into Telegram There are many key benefits that Telegram has over Whatsapp. Here are some advantages that these apps have over each other. None of them is perfect and both lack some features when compared to the other. Telegram and Whatsapp both fall under the category of messaging applications. Which Messenger App is the Best: Telegram or Whatsapp? Pavel Durov further added that he will take the aforementioned responsibility very seriously and he won’t let the users down. Keeping in mind the current half a billion active users of Telegram and the potential ones, ensuring data security to each user is a big responsibility. Telegram has become the largest refuge for users who are seeking a communication network that is dedicated to privacy and security. They no longer want to be kept hostage by tech monopolies who seem to believe that as long as their apps have a critical mass of users, they can get away with anything. Pavel Durov’s Message for the Telegram Users -įounder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, recently stated that users no longer wish to trade their privacy for free services anymore. Many privacy conscious cell phone users are opting for Telegram as Whatsapp has explicitly mentioned that it will share the user’s data with Facebook. Telegram has surpassed the landmark of 500 million active users in just few days following the controversy over Whatsapp’s new privacy policy. On January 13, 2021, Telegram revealed that it had 25 million new downloads in the past 72 hours.